Saturday, December 18, 2010

Dream Act 2010 HR 5281 FAIL TO PASS

The Dream Act 2010 or a.k.a HR 5281 was voted by the senate on Dec 18 2010 at 10:30 am EST on C-SPAN2. With the hopes of many undocumented children on the line, many of the senators (Dubin, Reid, etc) spoke out for them. In the end, the voting occurred. One by one each senators' name was called to vote I or Nay. At the start all the Democrats seem to be in favor of the Dream Act. Also some Republicans like Murkowski, Lugar, and Bennnett was in favor of the Act. But then Democrats like Ben Nelson, Collins, Baucus, and Tester voted no and so the Dream Act was doom. With votes of 55 YEA to 41 NAY, the Dream for many died that moment. We had become the country that was in favor of punishing the children for their parent's wrong doing.

If all the Democrats supported the Dream Act and gotten help from some Republicans the Dream Act would have succeeded. Why the hesitation? Whats wrong with the Nay sayers? Are they willingly to deport so many of the brightest kids out to other countries? What is the point of bringing in workers from other countries into U.S when the very skill workers needed was right here in the U.S.
I for one wish everyone would call their Senators. Write Emails. Why do they oppose a this bill? Its not Amnesty, when the act only gives right to the undoc children who did nothing wrong. Its not a free pass. When considering that it takes FIVE YEARS and service to U.S Army or attendance to 2 yr college to be allowed citizenship. This BILL does not give the undocs parents any legal right to stay in U.S. So why are they so oppose?

My hope is that senators Dubin and Reid take another take on the Dream Act. With this bill, new citizens will rise and many of American heart can take their place among the American of the whole.

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